Contact us
Please contact the IT training administration team for support and further information on the following:
- Booking clinical system and IT training courses
- Booking clinical system usergroup and webinar attendance
- EMIS Web, SystmOne and Vision clinical system queries
- General queries regarding IT training
- Feedback, comments and training suggestions
A number of courses are bookable via our learning management system. If you can't see the course you require request a course booking,
or Email: Telephone: 0300 561 2828
Key contacts
IT Training Manager
Roy Baker
Telephone: 07824 104551
Email :
Clinical system contacts
TPP helpdesk
Telephone: 0113 205 0095
EMIS Web support centre
Telephone: 0330 024 1270 (Access via EMIS Web homepage)
Telephone: England LAN practices: 0845 351 1820
Telephone: England AEROS hosted practices: 0845 359 3544